An investment company with a great social commitment and high responsibility towards the quality of its developments to achieve levels of excellence, backed by an extensive network of professionals and collaborators. GRUPO VERDEAZUL is the main developer in Santa Monica, guaranteeing a community that exceeds expectations and generates trust thanks to its high quality standards and work values, backed by various success stories such as Buenaventura.
Administration of works and commercialization. For several decades, GC has stood out as a unique company, committed to quality and intelligent solutions in each project in which it participates.
Comprehensive architecture company recognized for its high quality functional design of internal spaces and exterior volumes. He has +40 years of experience creating value in each design.
Development of a detailed plan for phase 1 of Santa Monica, including land uses, circulation paths, bike lanes, biological corridors, locations of water treatment plants, market studies, and others.
Development of a conceptual master plan for the entire property, including land uses, circulation routes, bicycle paths, biological corridors, energy analysis and drinking water, locations of water treatment plants, market studies, and others.
International consulting company for the development of extraordinary real estate projects. Participation in the project began from the execution of market research to commercial and digital planning.
Today they are consolidated as a high-level bank, which has the acceptance of more than one million clients, through various products and services, consolidating itself as a leader in mortgages in Panama.
Since 1967, it has been dedicated to the construction and sale of homes nationwide, concentrating on the development of projects for low- and medium-income families. A great track record and solidity, proven with the satisfaction of numerous clients who have placed their trust in Sucasa to live fully in their new home.